Silver Dollar ShootThis is our signature shoot. It is a combination of 3D animals and paper targets in varying distances from 3 yards to 123 yards. The paper targets have a silver spot and our long distance target is a 10ft silver dollar. Our challenging course provides different angles and distances to offer a variety for even the most skilled shooters.
Safari ShootThis shoot will consist of 60 targets of Spot Hogg paper targets. Shooting will be completed over 2 days with 40 targets the first day and 20 targets the second day. We will do registration the day of the shoot. We have camping sights available for those that would like to stay on range. Camping is $10 dollars per night.
Stan Magee / Nevada Senior GamesWe host the Nevada Senior Games each year and have paired it with our Stan Magee Shoot. These are a 900 Round that covers three separate distances (60, 50 & 40 yards) shot at a standard 122cm 10-ring target. It consists of ninety total arrows, thirty at each distance (5 ends of 6 arrows), each worth a maximum of ten points. The maximum score is 10×90=900 points, which is where the name of the round is derived.