Meeting Minute Shoots: -Silver Dollar notes: -There is a work party this weekend both Saturday and Sunday at 9am to glue targets and perform range maintenance. -Need volunteers for food stands. We have 3 stands that we need to have volunteers in. -Ana Shimono current volunteer. Please let us know if you are available to volunteer. -Need further sponsors for raffle items. If you have a contact that can help with getting sponsors or items please contact Brady Anderson at 208-241-8046. -Current items: (2) $50 dollar gift certificates from Specialty Archery, a Prime bow (pending), (3) CCW classes from Dave Snyder with Firearm Fundamentals -Belt buckles are on order. -Previous years was 8 3D targets and this year we are expanding that to an additional 14 to 20 targets. -Club Indoor Championship pins will be handed out during April’s members meeting. Email with results coming by email soon. - March 3D shoot has been moved to March 29th due to scheduling conflicts. This will be 20 unmarked targets, no range finders allowed. - 5 shoot league is in development for this year. Bass Pro information: -Current meeting room will be converted over to a used gun room. Other available spaces within Bass Pro are being looked at for future meetings after the current room stops being available. Continue to go to the meeting room we have been using until future notice. -There is a bow fishing seminar being presented at Bass Pro on Sunday at 4pm. Additional Range Information: -Range bathrooms are now open for use. -Board members are looking into getting rules signs to display at our practice range, 3D range, broad head pit, and club house. - Broad head pit is the only location on the range that broad heads can be used. Please do not shoot targets on the practice range, 3D range, hunter range, or field range with broadheads. -The Marathon that goes by the range on April 4th and 5th will not be using the range as expected due to the construction issues. Still expect access to the range to be difficult during the event as runners and chase vehicles will be using that road over the mountain -Mountain Springs fire department was given a tour of the range to assess the future potential for fire danger. There was multiple areas of concern and they are now contacting the forest service to address the need to allow Las Vegas Archers to maintain and clear away these highly flammable objects. Additional Club Information: - We are in need of a volunteer for the Secretary position to help with paperwork and Tournament Director to help with coordinating tournaments. -Jim Marshal has joined the advisory board for Mountain Springs to give Las Vegas Archers a presence in the community and establish a lasting relation with this community. -Several members of the Mountain Spring Community and neighbors to our range have requested permission to use the property for a Big Horn Music Festival in May. In exchange they are willing to help with maintenance such as leveling roads and parking and access trails. No vote was taken on this item. New members Voted In: Sam Slack – family membership – additional members include wife Alejandro Matheu – family membership – additional members include daughter Matt Bartell – family membership – additional members include wife and daughter ![]()
Results from 2019 Silver Dollar Shoot ![]()
The following are minutes that summarize the Las Vegas Archers meeting held on June 10, 2019 and are not a transcript of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Jim Marshall, Interim President, at 7:00 p.m. Minutes from the April 1, 2019 LVA Meeting Minutes from the June 10, 2019 were emailed to club members for review and presented to membership for corrections none were presented Minutes were accepted as read... Treasurer’s Report for May 2019 Frank Roof, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report for May. No questions or corrections and the report was accepted as read. Voting of New Members New members were voted in: Rochelle and Dustin Hines (family); Jesus Valdivia; Warren Waters; Christopher Necas; Daryl Ellis Business Award Pin Designs: The new pin design is completed, and the order has been placed. No third-place pins were ordered. Thanks to Tom Fuller for working on the pin order. 3D Targets: The donation box for the 3D range was completed by Russell Freeman, needs to be installed. The donations collected in that box will go to purchasing and repairing targets for the 3D range only. Paint for Target Barn: Jim Marshall is preparing to paint the target barn. Tom Campbell will check with his contact about getting paint after Jim provides the color sample. Ballots: Election ballots were counted by Garret Lisle and Ginnae Stamanis and results are as follows: President – Jim Marshall Vice President – Russell Freeman Treasurer – Frank Roof Secretary – Kara Sidor Board Member – Rick Levengood Board Member – Brady Anderson Existing Board members: Immediate past President-Charles Roof Continuing Board Member-James Sanders Continuing Board Member- Bob Witzmann Next Meeting The next meeting is July 8, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bass Pro Shops (Conservation room, former high-end gun room, across the bridge from the archery department). The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Las Vegas Archers P.O. Box 28476 Las Vegas, NV. 89126 Meeting of May 13, 2019 Special Note: The following are minutes that summarize the Las Vegas Archers meeting held on May 13, 2019, and are not a transcript of the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Jim Marshall, Interim President, at 7:00 p.m. Minutes from the April 1, 2019 LVA Meeting Minutes from the April 1, 2019 meeting were read. Corrections to be made to the April minutes: add nominations made at the April meeting; add Sawyer Cawley to the list of new members. A motion was made to accept the corrected minutes. This motion was seconded, all were in favor, and the motion passed. Treasurer’s Report for April 2019 Frank Roof, Treasurer, gave the Treasurer’s Report for April. A motion was made to accept the reports as read. This motion was seconded, all were in favor and the motion passed. Voting of New Members New members were voted in: Isabel Napoli, David Richmond, Rob Foster Business President’s Report: Charlie Roof obtained pricing on LVA logo shirts. Jim Marshall suggested red shirts; Russell Freeman suggested heather gray. Charlie will check on adding long sleeved shirts to the order and get pricing. Shirts will be sold to members. Members present discussed pricing and agreed on $15 each. Charlie attempted to contact the Forest Service regarding the LVA range lease. Former contact has retired. The new contact, Chris, will look into our case file, however, told Charlie that since we received an invoice and the check was cashed, that was a good sign. Charlie will follow up. Club Outdoor Championship is Saturday, May 18, 2019. Shoot begins at 9:00 a.m. Registration closes at 8:30 a.m. Shooters meeting at 8:40 a.m. Secretary’s Report: The automatic external defibrillator (AED) has been ordered and paid for. Pin Designs: Jim Marshall reported that Tom Fuller is still working on pin design and prices. Jim will forward the information to the members when he receives it from Tom. Website: Mike Skinner has updated the LVA website ( There is still information he needs to obtain so that he can update the website. If members have any photos of the LVA range that can be used on the website, please forward them to Mike. Secretary suggested adding a membership application link on the front page of the site. Renewals: Renewal statements will be sent out soon. 3D Targets: Russell Freeman created a wishlist of 3D targets and vitals. He obtained pricing from Rinehart. Russell proposed that the club split the 3D purchase between the two local archery shops instead of purchasing with club pricing. Rinehart’s club pricing was a small discount. Russell would like the club to purchase a large elk target and vitals to repair existing targets; also, purchase a smaller target if 3D funds allow. Russell will get the orders to the local shops. Club Participation Program: Jim Marshall proposed eliminating the club participation program (work points). Members present discussed alternative programs to motivate members to help out with the range. An increase in annual dues was discussed and voted on. Annual dues will increase by $20. Camping Units on Range: Camping on the range was discussed. Jim proposed the club follow the rules of the Forest Service. Charlie Roof will get the Forest Service rules. Rules will be posted on the website. Championship Plaques: Jim Marshall proposed plaques be purchased to be presented at the LVA Christmas party. Jim asked for references to trophy companies. Thanksgiving and Christmas Shoots: Jim Marshall proposed moving the Thanksgiving and Christmas shoots back to the LVA range. Charlie mentioned that the shoots were moved indoors due to a majority of shooters being set up for indoors. Christmas Party: Jim Marshall suggested holding a Christmas party at a venue, separating the Christmas shoot and party. No decision was made. Range Rules Sign: Jim Marshall would like a new range rules sign. Members present discussed location of the sign. Russell Freeman suggested the sign be placed at the practice range, leading to suggestions of revamping the practice range, possible adding a cover. New Gate: Russell Freeman suggested the club add an electric opener to the new gate, as proposed by Andrew Raddie. Garrett will get new quotes and present them at the next meeting. Jim proposed moving the sign-in box to the gate. Adding an electric opener and will keep track of who used a key fob or card, eliminating the need for a sign-in sheet. This will allow the club to better track club traffic. Silver Dollar Funds: Members present voted to use a portion of the Silver Dollar account to purchase 3D targets. Donation Box for 3D Targets: Jim Marshall proposed the club add a donation box for the 3D targets. Russell Freeman will build the box. Business Sponsors: Members present discussed asking businesses to sponsor a target. Nominations: President: Jim Marshall Vice-President: Russell Freeman Secretary: None Treasurer: Frank Roof Board Members (2 positions): Rich Domingo, Rydell Danzie, Rick Livingood, Brady Anderson Ballots will be sent out soon. Nominations were closed. Next Meeting The next meeting is June 10, 2019 at the Bass Pro Shops (Conservation room, former high-end gun room, across the bridge from the archery department). The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The club meeting was held on Monday, August 7th at Impact Archery. Our new board members were announced as follows:
President: Charles Roof Vice President: Garret Lisle Secretary: Chelsea Roof Treasurer: Frank Roof Board Members: Bob Witzmann, Steve Bostic, Tracy Collins & Dennis West Range Master: Peter Hord Congratulations to our new board and we look forward to the next year! The annual Silver Dollar Shoot is going to be held next month at the range. Unfortunately, the rain this summer has done a number on our range and extensive work parties will need to be held to get it in tip top shape. We will get those on the calendar as soon as we can. We will also get a to do list up on the site for the range. If you cannot make a work party but want to help out, be sure to check out the to do list and notify either the secretary or range master or your work to get points. We are also looking for volunteers to head up the raffle, run food stands, paste targets and so on. If you are able to volunteer your time, your spouse's time, child's time, neighbor's time, so on, we're looking for able bodies to work! Remember! If you work the Silver Dollar, your points are taken care of for the year! Additionally, with the upcoming hunting season, it is important to stress that there is ABSOLUTELY no hunting, shooting, trapping of any kind at the range. If you are found doing so, you will be removed from the club and reported to proper authorities. Please remember, we are a family club. Children and animals could get hurt at the range if this practice continues. We will send out an updated version of the constitution, by-laws and rules next month with the gate code to refresh everyone's memory! That's all for now. Thanks! Class Round/Range Open House - August 6, 2017There is a class round scheduled for August 6, 2017. Registration starts at 8 am with the shoot starting at 9 am. It will be NFAA rules and scoring. Course will be determined on Saturday, August 5th during the work party, depending upon work party participation. Members are $10 and Non-members are $15. Work party for the shoot will be on Saturday, August 5 at 9 am. 3D Shoot - August 20, 2017There is a 3D shoot scheduled for Sunday, August 20 at 9 am, registration opens at 8 am. The shoot will be from 14-28 targets depending upon the size of the work party on Saturday, August 19.
Members are $10 and Non-members are $15. Work party for the shoot will be on Saturday, August 19 at 9 am Online Renewals & Board Voting is now available through our website!Below are step-by-step instructions showing you how to register for the LVA members are. Through this area, you will be able to renew your membership for the next year, pay for your work points and vote for the new board members. Voting for the new board members will only be done online and active member votes will only be accepted. Voting will only be available until July 25, 2017. Once you're on the LVA's homepage, you'll want to click on the login|register button as shown above. You will be redirected the the above page.You will want to click the register button, enter in your full name, email address and create a password, and select register! Once registered, you will receive the above notification.Unfortunately, to keep our members area private for just our members, we must require verification on all access requests. Approvals are usually done within 24-48 hours! After approved, you will want to go back to the home page and login! Once logged in, you will be directed to a landing page providing you with an option to access the members page and the board voting page!
If you have any questions or encounter a problem, do not hesitate to contact the club secretary! Our range will be hosting the NFAA's Southwest Sectionals THIS weekend! There will be a work party Friday at the range to help make and set out targets. With renewals coming up, this is a great opportunity to squeeze in those last bit of work points needed to avoid fees! We also need volunteers to help run registration and food stands *psst* so bring a friend to work for you and earn your points! ;)
The shoot will start Saturday morning. The practice range will be open until 8:30 am on Saturdaywith a shooter meeting at 8:45 am and shooting beginning at 9 am. On Saturday, the participants will be shooting a 28 field course followed by a 14 animal targets! The shoot will continue into Sunday. The practice range will be open until 8:15 am, with shooting starting at 8:30 am. The participants will be finishing up the shoot on Sunday with with a 28 hunter round. We will be following the NFAA format and rule on this shoot with top, bottom, left to right rotation. This will be explained in further detail at the shooter meeting. Food and drinks will be offered at the club house on both days including BBQ pork sandwiches, hot dogs and hamburgers as well as sandwiches to eat on the trails. This shoot will be open to all, however, only NFAA members will be eligible for rewards. This will be a long shoot but definitely a fun one! We hope to see everyone out on the range this weekend! We had a great turn out this past weekend for the unmarked 3D shoot. Thank you for all those who helped put on the shoot and for those who came out an participated! Below are the scores! Congratulations to everyone! |
Scoring InfoIf you hosted a shoot, please be sure to email the scoring information and any pictures to [email protected] to be featured on the website. Archives
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